Human Team
Our structure is configured by a team of highly qualified professionals. The continuous training programs for all staff ensure the maintenance of a high level of knowledge, constantly kept up to date, whose main professional objective is to opt for excellence in their work, and at the same time, and no less important, the to offer all the people with whom you may interact in the development of your work, exquisite and cordial personal treatment.
Josep Maria Fabregat Vila
Economist, graduate in Economics from the University of Barcelona (1991), member no. 6028 of the Official College of Economists of Barcelona.
Master in Taxation.
Lawyer, graduate in Law, Member No. 36818 of the Il·lustre Col·legi d’Advocats of Barcelona.
Bankruptcy Administrator, member of the Bankruptcy Section of the TAP of the Col.legi d’Economistes de Barcelona de la Commissió and the Col.legi Official de Titulats Mercantils i Empresarials de Barcelona.
Procedural Expert, registered in the Registry of Forensic Economists with number 1442 and in TAP of the Col.legi d’Economistes.
Associations to which he belongs:
REFOR (Registre d’Economistes Forenses), núm. 1442.
ROAC, núm 10103.
REA, núm 4122.
RGA, núm 20574.
Associació Catalana de Perits Judicials i Forenses, núm. 388.
ECOR, Comissió econòmica de Col·legis del Sagrat Cor de Jesús.
Working languages: Spanish, Catalan and English.